Big Data Storage: What You Need to Know

Today, businesses have to grapple with vast amounts of data from different sources, including emails, mailing lists, customer orders, system logs, mobile apps, social media networks, etc. This data is crucial to businesses in various ways. When analyzed, a business can identify operational issues, personalize the customer experience and manage Read more…

What Does the Metaverse Mean for Businesses

Metaverse has become a buzzword with much debate on its potential implications once it is fully realized. As far as businesses are concerned, the metaverse presents new opportunities and challenges, especially for marketing, branding and communication professionals. Understanding Metaverse Metaverse became a hot topic thanks to Facebook announcing its rebrand Read more…

Importance of Cloud Accounting Certification

Certifications are not a new thing in the accounting industry. However, with new technology trends, accounting departments are faced with the challenge of taking courses in technology in order to carry out their tasks. Many businesses are ditching desktop-based accounting software and turning to cloud-based software. This requires that the Read more…